Monday, January 16, 2012

Sleep Disorders in Police Officers

This article explains the growing number of sleep disorders seen in police officers and the consequences that have arisen. Since police officers are paid using taxpayer money, they are expected to be alert. Drowsiness behind the wheel leads to all the negative consequences described in the article which may as a result lead to increased issuance of traffic tickets and accidents which lead to payment of medical bills, auto repair, and ticket payment. People do not have these expenses calculated into their monthly expenses, and many do not have the means to efficiently take care of these expenses. Accidents and traffic tickets contribute to increase in auto insurance payments which many people already struggle to keep up with.
Besides the financial burdens this may cause, police officers must initiate a solution to this issue because this is their specialization. They are expected to keep the streets and cities as safe and peaceful as allows. With the technology and medicine available today, officers are sure to have some way out of this predicament. The officers should not necessarily take medicine to resolve their sleep disorders, but some regulation is absolutely necessary. The world’s society and economy is advancing every day, faster than many can handle or keep up with, as proven by this study. If the fast pace of advancing society is becoming so overwhelming that it is affecting our safety, something must be done. If this problem worsens or ceases to be resolved, society will pay the price—in safety and tax dollars.


Smith said...

I think the glaring question is what is causing these sleep disorders? Is it their job or something else? If it’s determined that their job as police officers is causing the disorders do think tax payers should have to pay for the solutions?

Katherine said...

What I intended to convey was that the stressful economics of U.S. life has contributed negatively to people performing their occupations. Their is not a specific solution, and taxpayers are not expected to pay for it. However, does that make it something not to be alarmed by? I feel that some progress or thought must be put towards this for future improvements. I do believe that the stress put on Americans by the economy, especially now, is causing inefficiency in their work effort. While people do want to find work, the effect of stress can be overbearing. I chose this article as a shocking example of the extreme consequences that this stress can cause. These consequences can vary based upon the environment of each person and occupation, but as a whole will eventually affect the nation. By reading this article, I hope ideas can start to form about great ways to deal will stress that may be spread.

Amber said...

Police officers are a very unique scenario when referring to their jobs contributing to sleep disorders. However, I think this brings up important economics topics other than specialization of labor and negative affects due to the failing economy. Hopefully, these police officers are choosing their occupation based on their interest in the job and willingness to perform this job with the best of their ability to keep citizens safe. Would we rather have them contributing in society in a job that they admire or giving a half-hearted effort in a job where they won't have a sleep disorder to worry about? With our class previously discussing scarcity and how nobody will ever truly be satisfied, I believe that these police officers should continue their jobs regardless of what problems they face. People need to find a job they like or else they may not give their best efforts at it. With every job comes hardships and police officers will choose to cope with sleep disorders or consider a different job. However, I believe taxpayers should contribute somewhat if it is discovered that there is a connection between sleep disorders in police officers. They are doing their jobs for the people and as citizens we can sacrifice a little more if these officers need medication or other treatment.