This Article explains the expansive amount of money a woman paid to have her precious dog cloned. This article works on multiple levels. First, there are the implications of cloning. People have extremely strong opinions about the divide between science and religion. Many people argue that cloning is a scientific advancement, while others believe that it is actually the act of 'playing God.' Everyone has a sense of value based judgment that is relatable to their experiences in life. No one has the same experiences. While I am baffled at the idea of cloning a dog, not to mention the ridiculous price tag to do so, some people think it is worth 50,000 dollars as seen in the opinion of young woman, Danielle Tarantola.
Based on the scarcity of the event, Tarantola was able to cut the cost of the procedure in half by appearing on a TLC screening about cloning. By being able to cut the procedure costs in half, there was more incentive for Tarantola to push for results, affecting her value based judgment. In my opinion, cloning is not something that humans should try to control. I believe that God creates life. Therefore, he should be making the major decisions concerning life and death. Essentially, decisions in our lives play almost solely on value based judgment which encompasses the present circumstances, the scarcity of the event, and past experience. In my humble opinion, Tarantola has attachment issues that cloning will not rectify even with her cloned dog Double Trouble.
I like the discussion of value based judgments. This is an extremely interesting article. You began to discuss the religious/humanity aspect of the discussion; however, could you argue/see the economic discussion? How do you think this could potential impact the global economy?
Basically, what I was originally hinting at was the economic implications of value based judgments. This woman values her dog more than what is practically available for an unemployed worker. However, one of the most interesting things about cloning is the ridiculous cost of utilizing this advanced technology. As the technology advances further and more people decide that cloning is not wrong, the less expensive cloning becomes. If cloning becomes less expensive, it becomes a more viable option for the average consumer around the world. She traveled to another country to get get her dog cloned. In this day and time, that is not practical in any way. However, as more people want to clone their beloved pets, it becomes less about the technological advancement and more about the business of cloning. If cloning starts to be a business, the whole world will pursue the technology to make it cheaper for the average consumer. This expands the idea of cloning from a strange pursuit into a more average pursuit, eventually forcing the woldwide economy relegate to the business of cloning.
I believe that what this woman did was idiotic. She could have spent the money for more practical uses instead of cloning her dog. I understand that she valued her dog's life more than using it for more positive uses, but think about her opportunity cost. She could have spent that money on something that might help our economy or maybe even give it to charity. She should have just treasured the moments she had with her beloved pet. By cloning the dog she was being selfish of what God gave to her like Derek said. I would have used the mine for something that I believe was more important that cloning a dog, like finding a way to cure cancer, but I guess that's what value based judgement is all about. I just wish that some people valued other things more than continuing the life of a pet they lost.
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