Minimum Requirements for individuals (in order to get a 'C')
1. Individual Participation:
- Choose 1 article per week not discussed in class and analize it's relation to the economic topics disucussed
- Submit 1 individual post per week of 2 or more paragraphs in length (10+ sentences)including a link to the article. Posts can also include student created comic strips, podcasts, political cartoons or other mediums that convey the authors thoughts and opinions.
- Respond via comment to 5 different blog entries per week (spread across all other class blogs or other websites) Length: 3-4 sentences each.
- Keep track of all contributions via the class Google Docs spreadsheet.
- Your last assigned post will include an analysis of what you learned and your opinion on the class
- Use the Internet appropriately at all times (including the links submitted).
- Accurately cite | give accurate credit to all resources (print, on-line, movie, etc) that are used in blog entries or as sidebar links | resources.
- Participate appropriately within your team at all times.
1. Individual Participation:
- Meeting minimum # of submissions
- Spreadsheet detailing all contributions upon conclusion of project
- Participation in class as well as online
- Overall design and content management
- Organization
- Final product
- Appropriate content/links