
Minimum Requirements for individuals (in order to get a 'C')
  1. Choose 1 article per week not discussed in class and analize it's relation to the economic topics disucussed
  2. Submit 1 individual post per week of 2 or more paragraphs in length (10+ sentences)including a link to the article. Posts can also include student created comic strips, podcasts, political cartoons or other mediums that convey the authors thoughts and opinions.
  3. Respond via comment to 5 different blog entries per week (spread across all other class blogs or other websites) Length: 3-4 sentences each.
  4. Keep track of all contributions via the class Google Docs spreadsheet.
  5. Your last assigned post will include an analysis of what you learned and your opinion on the class 
  6. Use the Internet appropriately at all times (including the links submitted).
  7. Accurately cite | give accurate credit to all resources (print, on-line, movie, etc) that are used in blog entries or as sidebar links | resources.
  8. Participate appropriately within your team at all times.
All students will receive separate grades based on the 3 following categories:
1. Individual Participation:
  1. Meeting minimum # of submissions
  2. Spreadsheet detailing all contributions upon conclusion of project
  3. Participation in class as well as online
    2. Group Blog/Product:
    1. Overall design and content management
    2. Organization
    3. Final product
    4. Appropriate content/links